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PaySchools Central

Parents, please create an online PaySchools Central lunch account.

And by filling the Free and Reduce Meal Application your child will be automatically enrolled into the P-EBT system to obtain benefits (if the applicant meets the requirements)

Step Description
1. Visit Portal Visit our portal using your Internet browser:
2. Register Select the “Register” option from the menu. The portal will guide you through the steps to establish your account and set up your students.
3. Enter Contact Data You will be prompted to enter your contact data and a payment method to activate your account.
4. Confirm Registration Once all information is entered, you will receive an email from PaySchools Central with a link to confirm the registration and create your password.
5. Log In Once your password is saved, you can log in and begin using PaySchools Central as often as you’d like.
6. Add Students The first time you log in, indicate which student(s) to attach to your account using the Add/View student tab. Students are already loaded in the PaySchools Central system.
7. Forgot Password If you forget your password, click on the “Forgot Password” link located on the page.
8. Payment Options Creating an online lunch account is not required. Cash can still be used to pay for items. Checks and cash are still accepted at the registers to add funds to your child’s lunch account.
9. Support For help with your online account, contact PaySchools Central support at 877-393-6628 or You can also find answers to common issues by clicking the help link on the page.
10. Additional Questions If you have any other questions, contact Gloria Ospina  by email at  or by phone at (973) 989-2000 ext 5057